Month: August 2010

  • Random Shots for 28 August 2010

    Comments I’ve posted
    1. Re: Update: New Mexico Republican Congressional Candidates Support ObamaCare Repeal
      What is the “proper” Libertarian response to concentrated corporate power?

      You answered your own question. See also The Friends of the “Free Market” Are Its Worst Enemies

    Listening / Reading / Watching

    1. The Double Secret Muslim Secret So Secret Only MSNBC Talks About It
      Why is Ed Schultz going ape? Was Keith Olbermann a terrible sportscaster? Is Chris Matthews obsessed with Obama and Islam? What is it about Pelicans that so upsets Stephen Kruiser? These questions and more are answered on this week’s Kruiser Control.

    2. The Friends of the “Free Market” Are Its Worst Enemies

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  • Random Shots for 27 August 2010

    Comments I’ve posted
    1. Posted to Richard Winger’s Facebook Wall
      Happy Birthday!

    2. Re: Update: New Mexico Republican Congressional Candidates Support ObamaCare Repeal
      (thanks to the Mullins campaign for this)

      I suspect this wasn’t the candidate personally, given his track record of date (joking about putting landmines on the border, complaining about “not too many white faces” at the Kewa Pueblo tribal ceremony, etc.).

    Listening / Reading / Watching

    1. The Institute for Justice: A Formidable Band of Libertarian Litigators Take On Tyrannical Government
    2. OPEN SOURCE INSURGENCY >> How to start
    3. Our Worst Nightmares About the Government Tracking Us Just Came True
    4. How to Stop the Government From Tracking Your Location (Illegally!)
    5. Adult Swim — The Venture Bros.

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  • Random Shots for 26 August 2010

    1. Posted to Adam Kokesh’s Facebook Wall
      Adam, what happened to all of the neocon / theocrat asswipes who were calling you a “LYING TRATIOR” and such during the campaign?

    2. Posted to my Facebook Wall
      As far as the word “neo-con,” I don’t have a better term, either.

      Regardless of what we call them (or what they call themselves), I’m ambivalent to regard them as allies, given their track records in the past — Richard Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes — despite whatever rhetoric they offer about shrinking the State, in the end that’s all it is — empty rhetoric. Whatever we do for them in terms of support — rhetorical, financial, etc. — they don’t seem to regard us allies, but as resources to be harvested or mined, then thrown away when no longer needed.

      For example, yesterday some telemarketer from the Newt Gingrich Foundation called me, asking for a generous pile of FRNs, for which I would receive some overpriced goodies (signed books, etc.). Throughout the call, I kept thinking of how Newt played us good with the Contract with America, back in 1994. Now he’s at it again, with a New Contract for America.

      For what it’s worth, the Dominionist (sp?) theocrats are slightly better, not on the issues, but simply in that they’re more honest about what they want from us — that we shut up and do as we’re told — and how they want to reshape society.

      At any rate, I’m not too good at shutting up and doing as I’m told, unless there’s a paycheck involved, and I don’t see anyone in the movement offering me one of those any time soon. While I wouldn’t turn one down, I don’t have any intention of soliciting one at present.

    3. Posted to my Facebook Wall
      Steve Miller the musician? First time I’ve heard about it.

      And I agree 100 percent about Maher and Means — had face-to-face contact with the latter, back in 2001.

    4. Posted to Victor Milán’s Facebook Wall
      Looks like I won’t make it to this year’s Bubonicon, for various reasons — too much personal stuff going on, among other things. I’ll miss seeing you this year, Vic!

      Is there any chance that next year, the Con Committee will start publishing the schedule of panels, readings and such online? That would help a lot.

      Been thinking about maybe starting something similar in February — start off small, like Bubonicon did. I’d include something for the open-source techies, maybe something from the LFS, keep it more oriented towards science fiction than the fantasy / horror stuff, I dunno. Ideas? Maybe call it “Hantacon” . . . ?

    5. Posted to Adam Kokesh’s Facebook Wall
      Adam, you forgot that you’re also an illegal Mexican who’s stealing at least one American job.

    Listening / Reading / Watching

    1. Adult Swim — Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Bros. and Squidbillies
    2. Global Guerrillas — The War Against Wikileaks
    3. Mother Jones — Animal House in Afghanistan
    4. Mother Jones — Embassy Guards Gone Wild: The Pictures
    5. William Norman GriggIf They Don’t Read It, We Don’t Obey It

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  • Tom Needs Help! Please! Please!

    Current mood: annoyed, cynical

    Just this morning, I found another . . . gem . . . in my inbox that landed there with the same plopping noise that my dog makes in the backyard —

    Could everyone please send these commericials out to everyone you know to help Tom[1] get his message out…Thanks

    Considering that his “message” seems to be equivocation, slander and libel, as we saw during his campaign against Adam Kokesh, I can’t be bothered.

    What’s the matter — isn’t he getting enough money from the GOPNM to run an effective campaign? ha ha ha — serves him right. Serves the GOPNM right, too, for supporting such an unprincipled candidate.

    I don’t know about you, but I can survive another two years of Ben Ray Lujan in the office. Maybe the GOPNM will smarten up in those two years? Maybe they will, but I’m not betting on it.

    See also:

    Blowback Comes Home to New Mexico
    Tom Mullins — Landmines on the U.S.-Mexico Border

    Anyway, those wanting to hear what a real liberty-supporting candidate sounds like need only tune into 1550 KIVA-AM[2] from 3-4 PM any given weekday, Monday through Friday. And any time he (Adam) wants to come on The Weekly Sedition with me as a guest, the door is open for him.

    1. “Tom” being Tom Mullins, the nominated GOPNM candidate for New Mexico’s 3rd Congressional District
    2. 1550 KIVA-AM for streaming audio, Adam vs The for streaming video
    3. Reposted —
      1. Personal blogs — Blogspot / LiveJournal / Tumblr / WordPress
      2. KCUF Media — Blogspot / Xanga
      3. Darth Mike — Xanga
      4. New Mexico Liberty

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  • How to handle Ronald Reagan? [LP Monday Message]

    August 23, 2010

    Dear Friend of Liberty,

    As the 2010 election approaches, a lot of Republican politicians are trying to posture as government-cutters, and they often hold up Ronald Reagan as an example.

    But although Reagan often talked about supporting smaller government, most Libertarians know that in practice he did exactly the opposite. For example:

    • Reagan boosted import tariffs and trade restrictions.
    • Reagan cut marginal income tax rates, but he also raised Social Security taxes.
    • Reagan increased farm subsidies.
    • Reagan sent the federal debt through the roof.
    • Federal spending under Reagan grew from $678 billion to $1.14 trillion.
    • Reagan set the record for the highest average spending as a percent of GDP over his administration. (Obama may beat him.)

    Many people are complaining right now about unemployment under Barack Obama. In the first 18 months of Obama’s presidency, unemployment has increased from 7.7 percent to 9.5 percent.

    Did you know that during the first 18 months of Reagan’s presidency, unemployment increased from 7.5 percent to 9.8 percent? That’s even worse, but I don’t hear a lot of Republicans mentioning it.

    Many Republican politicians, operatives and talk show hosts like to talk positively about Reagan and try to portray him as delivering smaller government. They don’t say that about George W. Bush. I presume that’s to try and convince voters that Bush was bad in some ways, and we should all try to be more like Reagan.

    Some polls show Reagan is reasonably well-respected these days. I think the positive reactions are often based on misconceptions, and that brings up an interesting point: how should Libertarians deal with the Ronald Reagan myth?

    To address that question, we put up a new poll today. Please share your opinion.


    Wes Benedict
    Executive Director
    Libertarian National Committee

    P.S. If you have not already done so, please join the Libertarian Party. We are the only political party dedicated to free markets and civil liberties. You can also renew your membership. Or, you can make a contribution separate from membership.

    1. Original article
    2. Reposted —
      1. KCUF Media — Blogspot / Xanga
      2. New Mexico Liberty / Mike Blessing for State Representative / The LPNM Blog

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  • BTP National Committee opposes National ID

    Branson, Missouri, United States of America ( August 25, 2010 —

    On August 24, 2010 the Boston Tea Party National Committee passed a resolution opposing a national ID “or any other bill that would establish a National ID card that includes biometric scanning or tracking devices” 5-0 (with 2 not voting).

    Whereas governments that truly want to protect liberty have no need to track the every move of their citizens; and

    Whereas privacy from government is a chief cornerstone of our liberties, enshrined in the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution; and

    Whereas in the past, many Members of Congress, instead of taking steps to actually end our illegal immigration problem, have chosen instead to use the issue to dramatically expand government intrusion into our lives; and

    Whereas the so-called “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” proposal being touted by Senators Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham includes a de facto National ID card that would be required for all U.S. citizens in order to hold a job legally; and

    Whereas biometric scanning technology would be included in the card which could allow government bureaucrats to track citizens’ every move; therefore,

    Be it resolved, the Boston Tea Party National Committee urges the Congress of the United States of America to vote to defeat any legislation requiring U.S. citizens to obtain a National ID card just to get a job — or any other bill that would establish a National ID card that includes biometric scanning or tracking devices.

    Party Chair Darryl W. Perry writes, a national ID system would include a “National database of personal information that can be accessed by any Law Enforcement Officer and/or Fusion Center anywhere the barcode on the Driver’s License can be scanned. This database of personal information would be controlled by the very people with access, so you will have no say as to what information they keep. This could include not only your driving and/or criminal record, but could potentially include unrelated information such as your medical records, library records and any other host of information that some bureaucrat deems ‘necessary’. Voting history perhaps? How about party affiliation?”

    Plank 4 of the 2006 program of the BTP reads “The Boston Tea Party calls for the immediate repeal of the REAL ID Act and any and all National ID plans.” Perry adds, “it only takes two more steps to become Germany’s Third Reich, ‘Where are your papers? Your papers, please!’”

    The Boston Tea Party was founded in 2006 with a one sentence platform, “The Boston Tea Party supports reducing the size, scope and power of government at all levels and on all issues, and opposes increasing the size, scope and power of government at any level, for any purpose.” In October 2008, the party’s National convention adopted the four point program of the Campaign for Liberty. Their program calls for an end to overseas occupation, a restoration of privacy and other liberties, no increase in the national debt, and a thorough review of the Federal Reserve. During the 2010 convention the Party adopted a new program to End the Wars of Aggression, End the Fed, End the War on Drugs, End the Abuses of Liberty, End the Immigration Fiasco.

    For more information, contact Darryl W. Perry

    1. Original posting
    2. Reposted —
      1. Personal blogs — WordPress / Xanga
      2. KCUF Media — Blogspot / Xanga
      3. New Mexico Liberty / Mike Blessing for State Representative / The BTPNM Blog

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  • Random Shots for 24 August 2010

    1. Posted to Elisheva Levin’s Facebook Wall
      It seems to me that the Islamists are simply the Muslim equivalent of Jerry Falwell (the “Moral Majority”), Don Wildmon and Fred Phelps (of “God Hates Fags” fame), and should be responded to in similar fashion.

    2. Posted to Elisheva Levin’s Facebook Wall
      “Not one person that I talk to who opposes the mosque believes that there is some legal way to stop it. There is not. But they are greatly offended . . . .”

      The people who are offended by the proposal seem to be acting from the same sort of mindset of the Islamists in Dearborn, Michigan who harassed that Christian group for passing out Bibles on a public street — “We’re offended, so you shouldn’t do as you want with your own property.”

      Never mind that in either case, the “offenders” weren’t harming anyone else with their conduct. In Michigan, the Christians weren’t forcing anyone to accept any Bibles. In New York, the Imam acquired the use of the property through honest means, speaks out against Islamists like Hamas, Hizbollah, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Ahmadinejad, etc., has the local Jewish and Catholic groups on board, etc., etc.

      I don’t see a real problem here, except in the minds of those offended.

    3. Posted to Elisheva Levin’s Facebook Wall
      @ Elisheva —

      “Falwell and Phelps are more than annoying, but they don’t encourage teenagers to strap bombs onto their bodies and blow… themselves up to cause the deaths of whomever might be in the vicinity.”

      Not yet. Still, Christianity, Mormonism, etc. have their share of violence ordered by religious authorities — the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Salem witch trials, St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, the Mountain Meadows Massacre, among others. More recently, we’ve seen the “Army of God” declaring “war” on abortion and homosexuality.

      Just how likely are the Islamists to actually establish that World Caliphate? From what I can tell, unless there’s a sudden economic crash in the Western world and in Asia, their best shot was in the pre-Charlemagne era (750 years ago), and they blew it.

    Listening / Reading / Watching

    1. The Republican divide: K Street vs. Tea Partiers
    2. Glenn Beck is a Statist, not a Libertarian
    3. Star Wars: Legacy #50
    4. The Infinity Gambit by James P. Hogan
    5. Adult Swim — Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Bros. and Squidbillies
    6. Children of Men

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  • Random Shots for 23 August 2010

    1. Posting to Elsiheva Levin’s Facebook Wall
      Justin Raimondo has a few words about the “Ground Zero Mosque” — Haters Go After the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’

    2. Posting to Adam Kokesh’s Facebook Wall
      I’d like to see some evidence that Biden actually wrote the speech himself.

    3. Posted to the Facebook Wall of “Stop Taxing Us”
      “15-20 shots” is NOT a “Major gun battle,” and it was probably related to the (anti-Constitutional) “War on Drugs,” so I’m guessing that border worriers are copacetic with 10,000 drug-trade-related murders a year. If they were NOT, they might try repealing the drug laws . . . ?

      How many people on the U.S. side of the border were actually hit by these “15-20 rounds” ? Property damaged? Or did these rounds happen to strike a random patch of dirt on the Washington DC side of the line?

      Freedom is the answer — what’s the question?

    4. Posted to Adam Kokesh’s Facebook Wall
      It’s kind of funny — I struggled to get “C” level grades through government-run high school, where I had people telling me what classes I had to take. Now that I can pick and choose my own classes, I’m getting a 4.0 GPA.

    Articles of interest

    1. Glenn Greenwald: The “mosque” debate is not a “distraction”

    2. U.S. Soldiers Punished for Not Attending Christian Concert

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  • Random Commentary for 19 August 2010

    1. Re: Dark Alley
      Was the man you imagined black?

      Not specifically — I didn’t picture the person as having any particular racial characteristics.

      And if you’re going down a dark alley like this, it only makes sense to have a decent flashlight on your person, say, something from the SureFire line, as well as a pistol on your belt (I prefer Glocks).

    2. Re: A Review of New Mexico’s Taxing and Spending is recommended for ourselves and the candidates for Governor..
      I clicked on, as linked to above, and got the following:

      So I changed the URL as specified in the picture above:, and got the following:

      At first, I figured, “What gives here?! Do I have to be a ‘registered’ senior citizen for this site to show me the data?” Then I re-entered the URL, this time taking out the “www.” :, and the data shows up.

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  • Check Your URLs, OK?!

    Current mood: annoyed, bitchy, cynical, geeky

    While perusing a recent posting over at New Mexico Liberty, I clicked on, as linked to in that article, and got the following:

    So I changed the URL as specified in the picture above:, and got the following:

    At first, I figured, “What gives here?! Do I have to be a ‘registered’ senior citizen for this site to show me the data?” Then I re-entered the URL, this time taking out the “www.” :, and the data shows up.

    The Moral of My Posting — Check your URLs to make sure they work before you finalize your post for public consumption. The ego you save may be your own.

    1. Reposted —
      1. Personal blogs — Blogspot / LiveJournal / Myspace / Tumblr / WordPress / Xanga
      2. KCUF Media — Blogspot / Myspace / Xanga
      3. Darth Mike — Myspace / Xanga

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